Daxing International Airport
Stabilising the Starfish
A combination of variable ground conditions and the presence of a network of culverts and services across the site meant that the potential for differential settlement need to be addressed at a major international airport in China.
- Mitigated differential settlement as a result of a Tensar mechanically stabilised layer
Beijing Daxing International Airport is Beijing’s second international airport and nicknamed “the starfish” due to its distinctive shape. The airport consists of four runways and landing field which was constructed on variable ground. Also, there were culverts situated beneath the ground and therefore control of differential settlement was critical.
Tensar proposed the construction of a mechanically stabilised layer made up of a well graded granular fill and Tensar stabilisation geogrids. Tensar geogrids are designed to confine the granular particles and form a flexurally stiff granular layer which acts to mitigate potential differential settlement due to variable underlying ground conditions. The proposals were accepted by the project client and installed to offer protection for this prestigious project.