Tensar® H-Series™ (HX™) Geogrids

10,000+ Hours of R&D
12 Product Teams
  • Ideal for stabilising soft subgrades, constructing access roads and improving pavement performance at a more economical cost than our advanced InterAx® geogrid
  • Provides a resilient solution for building higher performing trafficked surfaces that can withstand the impact of severe weather and challenging environmental conditions
  • Optimised geometry that enhances the interlock of fill materials, creating an efficient stabilised layer
  • Proven to reduce initial and lifecycle costs, reduce construction time, and gain sustainability benefits on projects
  • Tensar+ award winning software allows you to design using Tensar HX

With Tensar H-series™ geogrids, engineers and contractors can reap the benefit of the optimised geometry of our advanced InterAx® geogrid at a more economical cost.

The broader range of aperture shapes and sizes of Tensar H-series geogrids allows for better compatibility between the geogrid and multiple fill materials, improving particle confinement under compaction and repetitive loading.

Better geogrid-fill compatibility provides an effective stabilised layer with less fill material, reducing project costs and construction time.

Product Range

Tensar HX solutions are available in HX5.5 and HX165.