Trent Hills 13th Line East

Trent Hills, ON, Canada

Spring Thaw and Beavers Are No Match for Tensar® InterAx® Geogrid.

  • Owner: Municipality of Trent Hills 
  • Contractor: Municipality’s Roads Crew 
Client's Challenge

This section of road was always soft and wet when the frost came out of the 

ground. But this year, there was an added problem of beavers. Beavers built a 

dam on the adjacent property causing the area to flood. The high-water level 

combined with the spring thaw caused the road to blow apart. Local residents, 

buses and garbage trucks were practically blocked from passing through this 

section of road.

Tensar Solution

At the request of the Municipal Roads Supervisor, Tensar visited the site and carried out Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) testing to assess the soil strength. A recommendation was made to use InterAx NX850 with 200 mm of fresh gravel. The owner was able to rebuild this section of road adding structure to bridge over the underlying soft soils without excavating deeper and building a thicker section. They saved 45% in cost, 70% in construction time and 61% in carbon use. Although the beaver dam was removed, this road is ready to handle them if they ever return.

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