Project Oak Spirax Sarco Ltd.
A new building with a basement was to be constructed on ground comprised of a soft alluvial clay with a high groundwater level. A cost effective pile mat design was required despite these challenging project conditions.
- The adoption of a Tensar Mechanically Stabilised platform:
- Minimised platform thickness despite extremely challenging ground conditions
- Enabled the project team to proceed with confidence with Tensar’s design support
- Resulted in a technically and commercially viable solution that worked on the first time
In light of the poor ground conditions and high water table, the client’s main challenge was to minimise the depth of excavation for the pile mat.
Low strength subgrade soils outside the scope of BR470 meant an alternative methodology was required to allow piling operations to take place safely.
Tensar’s proven alternative to the BR470 approach – Tensar T-Value was adopted to determine a mechanically stabilised working platform thickness incorporating Tensar InterAx geogrids, even taking into account the liklihood of a water table sitting within the platform thickness.