Foundation & Embankment Support Systems
Solution Overview
When faced with weak or variable soil conditions, the construction of embankments or raised fill areas can be technically challenging and costly. Tensar has a range of solutions for the reinforcement of embankment foundations to create stiff structures that distribute load more evenly over the weak soils and strengthen the embankment against failure. These systems reduce differential settlement and reduce the fill volume. They can enable single stage construction significantly shortening the construction programme.
Foundation & Embankment Product and Systems
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How does Tensar compare to the competition?
Tensar's Foundation and Embankment products are proven, high-performance solutions that offer significant benefits over alternative solutions.
High Strength Geotextiles
- Reduces lateral stress on the subgrade, but requires substantial subgrade settlement to mobilise reinforcement effect
- Over weak soils, placement of the first fill layers over the geotextile can be difficult, requiring lightweight plant. Compaction cannot commence until a reasonable amount of fill is in place
- As embankment construction progresses, settlements under the thicker centre section are considerably greater than at the edges, often requiring staged construction to allow pore pressures to dissipate
TensarTech Stratum
- Created a 1m or 1.3m deep stiff foundation platform that mitigates settlement as well as reduce lateral stress on the subgrade
- When filled with aggregate Stratum provides a sturdy working platform for placement and compaction of the embankment fill, even over the weakest soils
- By distributing load, the stiff Stratum mattress reduces differential settlement across the base increases bearing capacity, enabling a more rapid embankment construction
Piled Foundations
- Often requires construction of a working platform across the site to provide safe access and operation of heavy piling equipment
- Typically, higher cost than Stratum foundation with higher mobilisation costs.
- Multiple stage operation - working platform construction, pile installation, pile caps or slab construction and curing time.
TensarTech Stratum
- No heavy plant required to access over the weak soil. Transport, filling and compaction all takes place over the filled mattress sections.
- Typically, a lower cost solution than piled foundations with low mobilisation costs. No specialist skills required to assemble the mattress
- A single stage installation process with no specialist skills required to assemble the mattress
Traditional Non-reinforced Embankments
- Design often by third party engineer
- Over weak soils, placement of the first fill layers can be difficult, requiring lightweight plant. Compaction cannot commence until a reasonable amount of fill is in place
- As embankment construction progresses, settlements under the thicker centre section are considerably greater than at the edges, often requiring staged construction to avoid overstressing the subgrade and to allow pore pressures to dissipate.
TensarTech Stratum
- Full design supply solution available from Tensar. One-source supply of all components
- When filled with aggregate Stratum provides a sturdy working platform for placement and compaction of the embankment fill, even over the weakest soils
- By distributing load, the stiff Stratum mattress reduces differential settlement across the base increases bearing capacity, and reduces lateral strains in the subgrade, enabling a more rapid embankment construction
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